Wednesday, June 4, 2008

First Things First

So, here's my blog.

Well, as to say a blog must have a topic I say the topic here is me. Selfish, at first, it may seem, but realistic and ultimately necessary is such a proposition for the success of my writing. Really, this blog will be about me, my stuff, what I do, how I do it, what I think, and what I don't. But what else could it be? I only have myself, and, in essence, that is all anyone has. I can make commentary on others, on business or politics, on the world, but it is all limited through my experience, through my life. So, though I may write on a breadth and depth uncommon for a typical blog, it is still within a narrow perspective that I hold, that from which I take in and process information, through my reason and rational. Me, then.

Quite possibly the thing of most interest to you, then, is what this blog will feature. A valid question, of course, but more than a little difficult for me to answer. I can default on the logic, or illogic, of the previous paragraph and proclaim the feature as myself. That, of course, would be far too simple, though, and fail to attract either interest or criticism from an audience. It would be, almost, cowardice. The topics of my writing will be my explicit interests. (I will save you from the base of any implicit interests I have, for both your sake and for the integrity of the blog.) These explicit topics, which shall be neither carefully chosen nor appropriately related in any normal way, will vary as the pages of an encyclopedia, or maybe an almanac or a fine newspaper, from science to the arts, from literature to the economy, from sport to cars. But, really, I should be better to explain myself through my blog posts, as is the purpose of it all, so for thus you will ponder my person.

Now, throughout this entire process, only one question has entered my mind. I know, to the extent of my rational, who I am, what I like, and what I plan to do. I know a bit about every subject of writing I have in mind. What I don't know is who you are. Blogs are interesting most of all because of the interest that people place in them. Now, let me explain. Of course, this phenomena, in which everyone can at once become a publisher, is of vary recent naissance, having only sprung from the combination of select events of the end of the twentieth century, coming together in the Internet, the World Wide Web, and the global community. Rather than give a history lesson, though, I wish more to impress upon you, whoever "you" are, the significance of this blog. While before, very few were creators and very many were consumers, it is now that very many are creators, and, surely, very many more are consumers. I am taking the role as creator here, helping in transforming the world (or even just a few lives), ever so slightly, into one of collaboration, cooperation, and democracy. In this world of technology, the people can be heard. But, alas, I am digressing. Unfortunately for the reader, my digressions are probably rampant and obnoxious, but, then again, what is a line of pure thought? Back to you, though, and we can see the significance in a blog. Sure, it can almost be taken for granted today, but imagine ten years ago. Ultimately, you are the most interesting aspect of my blog, the reason for its publication, and the driving force of a future of success.

Now that I am finished flattering you, though, I must head for an apology. An apology for my being and an apology for my language. The latter, though, I will address first due to its relative simplicity. As one may have noticed, this monologue can be read either as clever (as I hope) or arrogant (as I fear). To say that I put effort in my writing is a mere shadow of the appropriate statement. I am not careless nor simple-minded in composition. I try to be precise and descriptive, often at the fault, perhaps, of lucidity or enjoyment. I enjoy the task, as writing, putting ones thoughts into words and print, as primitive as it may seem, brings an untold satisfaction to life, but fear that that enjoyment is single sided. As any can hope, will I. As for my being, I forget what I meant to say here. I may have thought myself as annoying or selfish or arrogant (all which, invariably, must be true), but now can tell you only that my means are well. Remember, though, and be relieved, this is the last you'll here any apologies from me. For, as I started: this is my blog. You get what I give and I can't have reservations, because this blog can only subsist on my experiences and thoughts, which, truly, cannot be fairly faulted. Justice serves us here only as a reminder of the random and unrelenting reminder of consciousness. This is me.

Whew! I very much doubted any sort of length to this very first of my posts, but bring it now to a steady end. In closing, I hope something has been learned, both about me for you and about you for me. People are the reason for being and communication is the highest praise to man. So let the blogging begin. I'm ready.

Brandon M. Wagner

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The title is deintiley my favorite part
and I agree with everything you say... O, wait, thats Sean Romero
Don't let that guy, or Scrub Mateo, see this
They'll just be all over you